
Showing posts from November, 2023

IELTS Reading Tips for Band 9. IELTS Academy in Abbottabad

  IELTS Reading Tips for Band 9 Getting  band 9 in IELTS Reading  is possible! Many test-takers have been writing to us with the notion that it’s an impossible task for non-native English speakers. They say, “ Scoring 9.0 on IELTS Reading is very hard for those, whose first language is not English. They simply cannot know all that tricky vocabulary” . Of course, you will encounter some unknown words on the IELTS Reading Test. But you shouldn’t worry – it’s completely normal! The main goal of IELTS Reading is to test your ability to understand what you have read. So even if you don’t know some words, it’s OK, as you can guess their meaning and still get band 9! Ridiculously, most of the test-takers lose marks not because of lack of knowledge, but because of making very simple mistakes! That’s why in this guide we’ve gathered  10 IELTS Reading tips  that will really help you to get a high score in IELTS Reading: Skim over and watch for the answers Skimming refers ...

PTE, IELTS Training Center in Abbottabad

  IELTS Writing Tips So you want to score a  band 8 on IELTS Writing ? Many IELTS test-takers spend a lot of time training to write top-notch essays. To achieve a desired score, they stuff their essays with uncommon vocabulary, overuse complicated grammar or write too many words.  But are these means really necessary?  The answer is NO. There are a lot of much simpler writings that score 8.0 and higher! This is because you don’t need any special knowledge: the examiner will assess your writing, not your thoughts. Even simple but accurately expressed ideas score better than too complicated ones. To  succeed in IELTS Writing , you need to be accurate write simple things well Ridiculously, even well trained candidates often lose points on IELTS Writing because of making simple mistakes: from going off topic to writing too many words. On this page we’ve gathered top  10 IELTS Writing tips  that will help you score band 8+ on IELTS Writing: Read the questio...

PTE , IELTS Training in Abbottabad City

  Linking structures Using a wide range of vocabulary will help you to gain higher score at IELTS. Don't fear: you  don't have to learn all  of these phrases. Just choose a few that you like and practice using them in your writing. Listing Giving examples Generalising firstly, secondly, thirdly for example in general first, furthermore, finally for instance generally to begin, to conclude as follows: on the whole next that is as a rule Reinforcement in this case for the most part also namely in most cases furthermore in other words usually moreover Result/consequence Highlighting what is more so in particular in addition therefore particularly besides as a result/consequence especially above all accordingly mainly as well (as) consequently Reformulation in the same way because of this/that in other words not only ... but also thus rather Similarity hence to put it more simply equally for this/that reason Expressing an alternative likewise so that alternatively similarly i...

PTE , IELTS with Mohammad Ali in Abbottabad City

  Vocabulary to write letters Letter structure How to start and end the letter? Formal letter When you don't know the recipient’s name: Dear Sir … Yours faithfully Dear Madam … Yours faithfully Dear Sir or Madam … Yours faithfully When the recipient’s name is known: Dear Mr Green … Yours sincerely Dear Mrs Green … Yours sincerely Dear Miss Green … Yours sincerely Dear Ms Green … Yours sincerely Semi-formal letter When you are writing to a good friend or colleague: Dear Jonh … Best wishes/ Best regards Dear Jonh ... Many thanks Informal letter When you are writing to a good friend or colleague: Hello Jonh … Best wishes/ Best Hi Jonh … See you/ Missing you/ Love When you are writing to someone you love: Dear Mary … Yours always/ Lots of love Letter openings The letter's first paragraph is  letter opening . In your first paragraph you should: introduce yourself state the purpose of the letter. Examples of formal letter openings : I am writing to enquire about … . I am writing to ...

PTE , IELTS with Mohammad Ali in Abbottabad City

  IELTS General Writing Task 1 In this task you will be presented with a situation and asked to write a  letter requesting information or explaining the situation . You can write the letter in a  personal, semi-formal or formal style . How to answer IELTS General Task 1? Think about the given situation. The situation is imaginary and you often have to make up explanations and inquiries for your letter. Once you have thought out your answer, you should write a letter with the following structure: First paragraph Briefly give reasons for writing a letter. Middle Issue 1 Write about each issue you were given in a task. Issue 2 Issue 3 Last paragraph Write a polite letter closing. Use special vocabulary to write letters and  linking structures.

IELTS practice General Training Writing test - Task 1

  IELTS WRITING: LETTER TO THE EDITOR OF A LOCAL NEWSPAPER IELTS Writing: Letter to the editor of a local newspaper Your local newspaper would like to have a new regular weekly feature on a subject of interest for readers. Readers are being encouraged to make suggestions sent in an e-mail to the newspaper. Write a letter to the newspaper. In your letter: Suggest a topic that you think would be popular. Say why it would be of interest Explain why it is more relevant/interesting than other topics Sample Answer Dear Sir, First of all, I would like to congratulate you for successfully completing two years as a publication house. You keep adding interesting columns in your newspaper. Readers like me appreciate your articles. I am writing in regard to the feature your newspaper is planning to introduce for which readers are welcomed to provide their suggestions. You can consider ‘Mind, Body and Spirit’ as a subject of interest for readers. Due to the modern lifestyle, people are overload...

IELTS practice General Training Writing test - Task 1 Preparation in Abbottabad

IELTS practice General Training Writing test - Task 1 Preparation in Abbottabad IELTS practice General Training Writing test - Task 1 Preparation in Abbottabad IELTS practice General Training Writing test - Task 1 How to approach General Training Writing Task 1 In the real IELTS General Training Writing test, you will have one hour to complete both of the two set writing tasks. Task 1 should take you 20 minutes, leaving 40 minutes for Task 2. Before starting the first practice task, you might like to set an alert to make sure you don’t go too far over. When you take your IELTS General Training Writing test, you will move from the first to the second task without a break. In order to give you a good idea of the test experience, you should do the same here, moving straight from practice Task 1 to practice Task 2. An easy reminder… Q: How long should I spend on IELTS Writing Task 1? A: You should spend 20 minutes on this task – saving 40 minutes for Task 2. Q: How many words should I writ...